It lists the requirements of all corporations and provides an outline of how to comply with those requirements. Corporation Meeting Requirements - This handout provides guidance on what to do to maintain corporate tax filing status.Buy-Sell Agreements - This handout explains how a buy-sell agreement works and the different ways to structure a buy-sell agreement.The tax implications of wages, guaranteed payments, and dividends are explained. Business Owners - Taking Money Out of a Business - This handout discusses the tax consequences of removing money from a business.Business Management Tips - This handout explores business procedures, plans, budgets, and other resources all designed to help businesses survive..Court case summaries provide a warning to business owners as to the problems that can occur. Business Financing - Don't Intermingle Funds - This handout explains the problems that occur when business owners intermingle business funds with their personal funds.It can be used as a ledger or as a summary for business owners to complete and provide to their tax preparer. Business Expenses Worksheet - This handout provides a simple worksheet for business owners to track expenses.It also provides examples of the types of businesses that are good fits for each entity type.

Business Entity Pros & Cons - This handout gives a listing of pros and cons for the various types of business structures.Business Entity Comparison Chart - The charts on this handout compare and contrast accounting and recordkeeping, fringe benefits, and liabilities of the various business entity types.